Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Spaghetti Sauce

So, I made spaghetti sauce from scratch from the tomatos and basil from my garden.  I was pretty proud of myself.  I used it for dinner tonight and it tasted good but it was a bit chunky so I added about 1/4 cup of sauce from a jar.  Regardless...
I took pictures of the process but not of dinner tonight and right now I'm too lazy to put them on my computer.  Fret not loyal readers!  Janae has done the same thing and she's a better photographer than I am (and her camera is WAY better than mine).  So if you want to see pictures of the process of homemade spaghetti sauce go here  in a few days or so... I'm sure they will be beautiful pictures when she posts them (just imagine they are mine).
For the sake of posting a picture here's one of Molly asleep on the recliner:


Emily said...

I'm impressed. How have your real life farming skills affected (effected? I never remember) your feelings toward Farmville? Are you annoyed that you can't harvest crops every two hours in real life?

lucylucia said...

Fun! While I would have liked photos of the meal, I guess I'll settle for Allyson.

Mama Nae said...

My post is posted! And Lucy - that's Molly - but it TOTALLY looks like Allyson!
Cayce - thanks for riding my red sauce coat tails!

lucylucia said...

WHAT?! Molly totally looks like Allyson there!