Sunday, December 5, 2010

Workin' Mama

I got a job at JoAnn Fabrics and Crafts!  I have an income now!  But it's only seasonal and it's only 2 to 3 days a week (maybe 12 hours a week)   But it's something and I get a discount.  Look out world!


Mama Nae said...

your new background is too distracting... please change it.

Emily said...

Wooo, income! And woo, crafts theft.

lucylucia said...

I agree with Janae...change it STAT. Anyways, I love fabric stores. Glad you're working in one. :)

Debbie Reid said...

awesome, can you make me more hats?!

hellocayce said...

Update: It's no longer just seasonal it's a REAL part-time job! Also, Debbie, all requests will have to wait till after Christmas and I have a purple hat and cocoon to give you next time I see you.