Tuesday, April 27, 2010

House Fire

  So, I walked into Allyson's school today and was stopped by one of her teachers who asked me if we had had a house fire.  We hadn't so I said no.  She told me that Allyson was telling everybody that our house had burned down and we'd been living in a hotel for seven years.  It was the 'seven years' that tipped off the teacher that Allyson might have been making it up. 
  When I went to the playground to get Allyson, I asked her if she'd been making up stories and another teacher looked at me very relieved.  She had been worried about our family having to go through so much.  I guess she didn't hear that we'd been living in a hotel for seven years. 
  Allyson told me she made up the story because it had happened to one of her friends from school.  I know this wasn't true because I had just driven by that friend's house on the way to pick her up.
  I guess what I've learned from this is that Allyson is a pretty convincing liar. 


Mama Nae said...

Totally Allyson!

lucylucia said...

Oh that is hilarious!! I wonder where she heard that - maybe she liked the attention. I remember walking around with a limp because I liked the idea of people feeling sorry for me.

Hannah said...

Hahaha! She might want to work on her math...